Avoid strong negative words

avoid strong negative words or expressions during the sales process. This is because negative words or expressions can create an unwanted sense of conflict or discourage the customer from continuing the conversation. Instead, the theory focuses on using positively charged words and expressions to create a more convincing and engaging interaction with the customer.

When salespeople unknowingly use strong negative words or expressions during the sales process, it can worsen the customer's experience and reduce the chances of a successful sale. Here are three common examples of when this can occur:
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Dismissing the customer's objections

Sometimes salespeople may unknowingly dismiss the customer's objections with strong negative expressions instead of listening and responding to them in a constructive way. For example: "You're wrong" instead of "I understand your concern, let me explain how our product can solve this problem."

Discounting competitors

Salespeople may sometimes use strong negative language to discount or devalue competitors' products or services instead of focusing on the unique benefits of their own offering. For example: "The other companies are completely worthless" instead of emphasizing what makes their own offering superior.

Exaggerating negative consequences

In an attempt to create a sense of urgency or need, salespeople may sometimes exaggerate the negative consequences of not purchasing the product or service. For example: "If you don't trade now, you will lose everything" instead of communicating the real benefits of making the trade.
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